Friday, November 30, 2007

Final blog of the year

Well, the year is coming to an end as we have finally reached December 1st. As I look back on the year, I have to say it was a very good year.

I created an underground forum called the Chicago Artist Forum that is really starting to flourish and I have created friendships that I really cherish.

In terms of my art, not many have seen it posted on the Internet, but 2008 is a new year and a lot is on my table and I fully expect my art to really flourish both in terms of creating and publishing.

In 2008, I will be attending Wizard World in Chicago as an artist in Artist Alley with Ray Frenden, Jeff Clark and Mike Reisner. I will also be a guest artist at another convention.

I will also be creating a website for my art as well as one for the Chicago Artist Forum.

In January, the Chicago Artist Forum is celebrating it's on-year anniversary and we are having an amazing event planned, so I will post with a report when it's all over.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday and New Year and see ya in 2008

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Trying the writing/illustrated novel gig

Well, after some long deliberations with myself and some positive input about a brief concept, I have decided to do create an illustrated novel or might just write it. While I really can't say what it is about, not as of yet (kinda a surprise), I will tell you it have romance (sort of in a sick way), murder, deception and the more then usual blood and guts.

The story will revolve around the 1880 to 1915 timeline. I hope to start on the project in early 2008 and will post updates as soon as possible.

While this will be my first attempt at such an endeavor, I really think the idea if done the way I want will shock many by the entire story, so stay tuned.

Keep creating!

Monday, November 12, 2007

November Chicago Artist Forum

Well, another Chicago Artist Forum has come and went and as always, I was really amazed at the turnout and the artwork on display.

The forum which is supposed to start at 6:30pm always tends to start at 7pm (Artists are never on time).

After the usual introductions and looking at everyone's artwork, the forum really kicks into high gear. Many of the conversations split off into topics which have nothing to do with art, but still interesting. Some of the ones I was involved in where; 70's TV shows and Jack the Ripper (Don't ask).

Throughout the night, all the way up to 9pm, artists are still showing up which is always great to see.

As the night progressed, members started to leave for the long trek home or to see their children and loved ones. Around 11:30pm, it was down to Ray Frenden, Jeff Clark, Mike Reisner and myself. We discussed our involvement in Wizard World Chicago as artists in Artist Alley and other topics.

The Chicago Artist Forum has really begun to take off beyond my expectations and to see so many people happy is really worth it all.

Due to the holidays we will not be having a December forum, but since the one year anniversary of the forum is in January, we are working making it something really special. So stay tuned :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

New art on the way

Well it's been awhile since I posted on Blogger, so I wanted to post something about my upcoming art pieces. I am currently working on 14 different pieces all in different stages as I prepare for my premier at Wizard World Chicago in 2008. I hope to crank out a lot of new pieces in 2008.

Hopefully in 2008, I will have my website up if time permits between my full-time job, artwork, personal life, promoting the Chicago Artist Forum and whatever else comes up.

Chicago Artist Forum

Hey everyone, if you are a professional artist or aspiring to be, art director, art teacher, game designer or media agent and live in the Chicago area, then you should really think about becoming a member of the Chicago Artist Forum

The forum is a monthly event for networking, discussing art, projects and techniques as well as presenting your portfolio to your peers and professionals.

You can check out some of the artists who attend at

If you have any questions, please let me know!
