Friday, November 30, 2007

Final blog of the year

Well, the year is coming to an end as we have finally reached December 1st. As I look back on the year, I have to say it was a very good year.

I created an underground forum called the Chicago Artist Forum that is really starting to flourish and I have created friendships that I really cherish.

In terms of my art, not many have seen it posted on the Internet, but 2008 is a new year and a lot is on my table and I fully expect my art to really flourish both in terms of creating and publishing.

In 2008, I will be attending Wizard World in Chicago as an artist in Artist Alley with Ray Frenden, Jeff Clark and Mike Reisner. I will also be a guest artist at another convention.

I will also be creating a website for my art as well as one for the Chicago Artist Forum.

In January, the Chicago Artist Forum is celebrating it's on-year anniversary and we are having an amazing event planned, so I will post with a report when it's all over.

Have a safe and wonderful holiday and New Year and see ya in 2008

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